Arduino Robot, 2 DC motor.

Hello I am a Student and i just got an Arduino Starter Kit and also found 2 DC motors( make it move tank style) . i am trying to build a simple robot i can control ( haven't figured out how exactly yet). the main focus right now is to make it move forwards , backwards, left, and right. i have some basic coding skills but am really lost with the Arduino style. so any tips or pointer would be greatly appreciated

I recently built/coded an Arduino project for an RC tank. IMHO you should use continuous rotation servos instead of DC motors (cont rot servos have much more torque).

With two motors and a desire to reverse and turn the robot, you'll need to be able to reverse the direction of the motors. So, is there an h-bridge in your bag of tricks? You'll need one to reverse a motor.

The actual coding and wiring to do that, will depend on the make and model of the h-bridge.

I have built a few bots! Yes you will need an H bridge of some-sort, try to avoid the L293 types as they lose power in the output stages. Look at the DVR based modules. But if you go for servos you don't need an H bridge driver, and less control pins/outputs. I can help with code, etc. Take a look at my bots at: under Electronics..

It would help us, if we could see your bot or your plains, schematic, etc. Tell us more so we can help!!

Hope it helps, Regards.


the only stuff i have is what comes in the basic arduino uno starter kit, i have taken apart the servo in there and modified it to rotate freely and bypassed the chip in there, making it a dc motor.

Well you need to get an h-bridge if you want a bi-directional motor.

the only stuff i have is what comes in the basic arduino uno starter kit, i have taken apart the servo in there and modified it to rotate freely and bypassed the chip in there, making it a dc motor.

Why the heck would you do that?

it allows me to use the servo as a faux DC Motor. i'll post a list with pics of what i have when i get home from school!

it allows me to use the servo as a faux DC Motor.

Yeah I suspect P_B got that part, and was wondering why you a) didn't get a real DC motor and b) destroyed a (presumably) serviceable servo.

I'm wondering both of those, anyway.