SelectionList from oli kraus

Hi there, i need some help in this SelectionList sketch from oli kraus. I tried use just regular tactile switches with a 10K pulldown or pullup resistor but it didn't work out for me. i use a Mega2560 Pro Mini from epalsite. it would be nice if somebody could help me. thnx

sketch_sep18b.ino (3.53 KB)

It would be nice if someone would simply post their code.

Alright Sir :slight_smile:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <U8g2lib.h>

#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI
#include <SPI.h>
#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C
#include <Wire.h>

U8G2_SH1106_128X64_NONAME_1_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE);

void setup(void) {

  // U8g2 SH1106 Proto-Shield
  //u8g2.begin(/* menu_select_pin= */ 2, /* menu_next_pin= */ 4, /* menu_prev_pin= */ 7, /* menu_up_pin= */ 6, /* menu_down_pin= */ 5, /* menu_home_pin= */ 3);

  // DOGS102 Shield (
  // u8g2.begin(/* menu_select_pin= */ 5, /* menu_next_pin= */ 4, /* menu_prev_pin= */ 2, /* menu_up_pin= */ U8X8_PIN_NONE, /* menu_down_pin= */ U8X8_PIN_NONE, /* menu_home_pin= */ 3);
  // DOGM128 Shield ( + DOGXL160 Shield
  //u8g2.begin(/* menu_select_pin= */ 2, /* menu_next_pin= */ 3, /* menu_prev_pin= */ 7, /* menu_up_pin= */ U8X8_PIN_NONE, /* menu_down_pin= */ U8X8_PIN_NONE, /* menu_home_pin= */ 8);
  // MKR Zero Test Board
  u8g2.begin(/*Select=*/ 0, /*Right/Next=*/ 1, /*Left/Prev=*/ 2, /*Up=*/ 4, /*Down=*/ 3, /*Home/Cancel=*/ A6); 

  // Arduboy
  //u8g2.begin(/*Select=*/ A0, /*Right/Next=*/ 5, /*Left/Prev=*/ 9, /*Up=*/ 8, /*Down=*/ 10, /*Home/Cancel=*/ A1); // Arduboy DevKit
  //u8g2.begin(/*Select=*/ 7, /*Right/Next=*/ A1, /*Left/Prev=*/ A2, /*Up=*/ A0, /*Down=*/ A3, /*Home/Cancel=*/ 8); // Arduboy 10 (Production)


const char *string_list = 

uint8_t current_selection = 1;

void loop(void) {

  current_selection = u8g2.userInterfaceSelectionList(
    "Cloud Types",

  if ( current_selection == 0 ) {
  "Nothing selected.", 
  " ok ");
  } else {
  u8x8_GetStringLineStart(current_selection-1, string_list ),
  " ok \n cancel ");

Please post the code that you tried

Its the code up there. like i said i tried with 10k pull up and pull resistors it didn't work. But strangely it worked with this keypad


but only the red keys which is pulled down by 10K resistors and connected with red LED's. I just wanted to use it with 4 keys for my project. I was going to make first the buttons work then modify the code for my needs.

As far as I can see the code that you posted does not read any input pins either singly or from a keypad. Can you please explain where in the code they are read ?

As far as I can see the code that you posted does not read any input pins either singly or from a keypad. Can you please explain where in the code they are read ?

I actually have no clue how Oli did, but it works flawlessly on the keypad.

now I uncommented this line and tried this.

// U8g2 SH1106 Proto-Shield
u8g2.begin(/* menu_select_pin= / 2, / menu_next_pin= / 4, / menu_prev_pin= / 7, / menu_up_pin= / 6, / menu_down_pin= / 5, / menu_home_pin= */ 3);

and it works with the following pins 2,4,7,6,5 on the keypad as well.