Which core for ATTiny85?

I'm using the attiny85 to program addressable leds and I found DrAzzy's core produced larger programs when compiled than damellis' version.

So even though the project is 4+ years old and apparently abandoned, I went with that because it freed up much needed space for additional led animations versus the newer core from DrAzzy.

I was a bit disappointed the newer core had more bloat in it apparently?

Did you enable LTO from the tools menu? That should shrink sketch size by 10-20% - I'm looking into why it is defaulting to disabled currently, I plan to make enabled the default (enabled won't work with 1.6.10 of the IDE and earlier, or the version of the official AVR board package that came with those versions of the IDE). The damellis core, iirc, uses LTO if the IDE supports it, because it uses almost everything from the default avr board package (I can't have mine do that because I need a different platform.txt to support the generation of assembler listings, and specification of a the avrdude.conf I supply with the core in order to support the less common ATtiny parts).

I don't think I have added anything that could be causing bloat (in fact, in a few places I've managed to save a few bytes).

If you can show me a sketch that compiles to a significantly smaller size (with LTO enabled) as compares to damellis core, I would consider that a priority bug and would investigate where the bloat was coming from and fix in the next release.