how to debug code in arduino IDE

Another good thing I've found is counting millis between functions so you can see speed and change things to compare, this helps optimize the code.

Create some variables like below

  unsigned long startMilli;

unsigned long stopMilli;
  unsigned long loadMilli;

Then add this right before the function starts

startMilli = millis();

And add this right after the function ends

stopMilli = millis();
  loadMilli = stopMilli - startMilli;
  Serial.print(F("Load Millis: "));

Whatever "load millis" shows in the serial monitor is how long in milliseconds it takes to run. 

Also remember Serial.prints dramatically slow down your code so comment them out before you do a speed test and when you are certain everything will be ok. :)

Also, Mr. Gammon has a library called 'Profile Timer' for timing code.

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