MKR1000 and Win10

I'm a little more than a beginner. After few exercises with Genuino1 I tried to approach wireless with MKR1000. May be too early. My problem:

  • when I got the MKR1000 it was working, I connected to the laptop and I run a couple of examples
  • then just to get some confidence with WiFi I explored a little the WiFi101 library
  • Following what reported on the dedicated web page WiFi101 - Arduino Reference I run the utility "CheckWiFi101FirmwareVersion"
  • then mu MKR1000 basically stopped working
  • I can NOT load any sketch. When for example I try with "blink" example after compiling it can not load the sketch. It tries for minutes (...loading) without any results

I've already reboot the laptop many times, downloaded a new IDE version, checked the driver for the board are correct.

I feel I did something wrong on the MKR1000 making the communication no longer possible.

Can someone help me?

Thanks in advance

Having this moved to the correct section where you will find posts with more significance including the quickly double tap reset to call up bootloader mode.