can't copy selected code when using select button for code tags window

In the past day or so, when using the select button at the top left of the code tags window to select, copy and paste code which a poster has placed within code tags I find that he code is highlighted, but when I hit ctrl + c (Windows 10 , Chrome browser) the selected code does not copy for paste. cntrl + v only copies what was previously in the copy buffer.

I can successfully select, copy with scrolling over the text, but not with using the select button.

//why can't I copy this for pasting in the ide when I use the select button?

Does anyone else experience this?

Using has a problem here.

Browser 'Chrome'

However, click (Select) then right click in the highlighted text and select COPY, works every time.

Thanks larryd.

I am also using the Chrome browser. Thanks for your solution

Ctrl + c used to work. Is it a Chrome issue, or a website issue?

Must be a Chrome issue.

Your pseudo code copied fine here, using ctrl-c with Firefox (older Windows version).

Same issue on an Android phone with chrome :wink:

Also noted as an issue with chrome in CREATE editor recently so suspecting Chrome also.

Same issue on an Android phone with chrome :wink:

Either this has now been solved or I never knew how to do it; probably the latter.

Select; code is highlighted
Tap the highlighted code and the usual dialog shows

Either this has now been solved

Yes, as of this morning is copying the highlighted text from the select button for a code window.

I was comfortable with the right click and copy solution, but I prefer .