Pro Mini VIN Problems / can I use LI-ON 4s pack ?

i put the positive to the corner pin and ground to the left of it

the capacitor started to smoke below the regulator.

Statements are sort off useless without a proper picture, with the pins/part marked.
Is this the tantalum cap between the 5-pin regulator and the RST pin.
What are the markings on it (should be 106/16), and is the stripe closest to the corner of the board.

One neopixel, powered from the 5volt pin, could already generate >0.4watt in the ProMini's onboard regulator when powered with 12volt. Enough to send it to SiliconHeaven in seconds.
Might be wise to power the ProMini and the Neopixels with a 5volt micro-power buck converter.