Help with geeetech VS1053 midi/mp3/wav shield

You can not send anything to a MIDI device through the USB serial port when you have got the IDE serial monitor open.

You can not write note on or anything like that.
The thing about the 0 is misleading you. You need to send three bytes, I have shown them here in hex, a hex number has 0x in front of it to show it is hex, it is not part of what is sent.
0x90 that means note on for miid channel one
0x41 that is the note number in this case it is 65 in decimal.
0x7F that is the velocity it is 127 in decimal.

so how are you connecting your VS1052 to the arduino? You need to send it those three bytes at the MIDI baud rate.
Note e serial monitor in the IDE will not work at the midi baud rate.