Mkr 1010 using WifiNina

Confirmed, there is a folder called arduino_124055 with files that appear to belong in the WiFiNINA folder. I copied them in and the error went away.

Thank you very much for that help.

That's the only error message I'm getting from the IDE (Version 1.89), but I'm still not getting any positive results on my Arduino.

If I load the CheckFirmwareVersion example I get this:

WiFiNINA firmware check.

Firmware version installed: 1.2.1
Latest firmware version available : 1.2.1

Check result: PASSED

I've tried the ScanNetworks example file. The output is:

Scanning available networks...
** Scan Networks **
number of available networks:0
Scanning available networks...
** Scan Networks **
Couldn't get a wifi connection

I've tried the ScanNetworksAdvanced file. The output is:

MAC: 84:0D:8E:33:B7:5C

Scanning available networks...
** Scan Networks **
number of available networks: 0

Scanning available networks...
** Scan Networks **
Couldn't get a WiFi connection

If I try ConnectWithWPA (and put in my WiFi credentials I get this output:

Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: SatisVideo
Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: SatisVideo
Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: SatisVideo
Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: SatisVideo
Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: SatisVideo

I have three MKR WiFi 1010 boards and all of them are giving me the same results. My computer can see 15 different SSIDs of various networks, most in the 2.4ghz range. But the Arduino is seeing nothing.