how to add a new library

I'm I've been working a lot with an external ADC, and I ended up writing a file that I am, effectively, using as a library and I'd like to put it on GitHub. Only problem is that when I try to add the library I am told that I don't have a valid library file. I tried following what was said in this Site, but its not working.
this is the file structure I am leaving in the zip file:
_ src
_ ADS124X.cpp
_ ADS124X.h

I still haven't add the keywords file because I just want to have the basic working on my computer.

in ADS124X.h I have something like this:

// ADS.h
#ifndef ADS124X_H
#define ADS124X_H

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <Arduino.h>

class ADS124X

And in ADS124X.cpp I have something like this:

#include "ADS124X.h"
#include <SPI.h>

#define NOP			 0xff

void ADS::PinMap(int cs, int drdy, int reset, int start){...}

I imagine I'm missing something simple, but I can't see what it is. Can someone tell me what I can do to make this file importable?

Have you published the library to GitHub yet? If so, please post a link to it so I can answer your question.

I just added it to GitHub here is the link: GitHub - kiyoshi7/ASD124X: still testing

You need to rename the file to Likely you have your file manager software (e.g. Windows Explorer) set to hide known file extensions (this is the default behavior), which makes it look as though the file is named rather than

You also need to move the library to the root of the repository. Currently the library is in the ASD124X
subfolder of the repository, which will cause the Arduino IDE to give the error when you try to use Sketch > Include Library > Add .zip library to install the .zip file produced by GitHub from your repository.