ATMEL Mega1284P evaluation board avalible

First pair of "Bobuino"s are assembled & minimally programmed! Spent a couple hours with my good friend Skyjumper, my son, and wife, got a little assembly line kind of thing going, me putting down solder paste & handing out parts, son placing parts on 1st and wife on 2nd , Skyjumper guiding us along in our first ever surface mount assembly project and driving the oven, group effort to find & fix the solder shorts on the FTDI chips.
Skyjumper got them bootloaded for me via ISP (I somehow managed to not bring a mini-USB cable out of all the toys we took down, only had regular USB and the large square kind between us).
Time to figure out how to do that with my tools, and write some sketches to show everything works now ...

Skyjumper, thank you again for all the help, and your wife for lunch!, and letting us use your tools.