Schools in session; help carefully...

There are sites where a typical and frequent answer to most any technical questions is "have you RTFM?"

Maybe because the manual already has the explanation. After typing the same basic thing again and again it makes sense to point to the manual instead. To be fair about it there usually is a stickied post up top or actual text right up front saying to look in the manual and search the site before asking the question as the answer has probably been discussed and posted already. In some cases there are even compilations of answers with links and often they are called FAQ.
After all that, how do you treat the person who skips "all that reading" and demands answers? On a good day, I am still nice but usually I just shake my head and move on.

Those kinds of forums tend to be occupied by a small group of elitist which do not really seek to help anyone other then each other.

Si! The learning level is pro and they get the most when "the talk" is at their level. If the forum admin wants new people in then a new beginner's section to that forum should be made.

Sometimes there's a big people table separate from the little people's table in different rooms. It's because the big people want to be able to talk big people talk. It's a PITA when you're little but tell me, have you ever coded in a team where when you want to make real decisions the first thing you do is ditch the managers?