Board definition for Wemos D1 R2 & Mini changed ??? in stable revision (2.5.0)

  • First config:
    Windows 10 and Arduino IDE 1.8.5
    Additionnal Boards:
    Wemos D1 Mini connected to Home WiFi and using analog input to read a analog Temperature sensor (LM 335).
    Compile sketch and send it OTA without problem, running well more than 1 year.

  • Second config
    Windows 10 and Arduino IDE 1.8.9
    Additionnal Boards: (2.5.0)
    No more Wemos D1 R2 & Mini board showed ???? replaced by LOLIN D1 mini ???? Are they equal ????
    Compile sketch and send it OTA without problem, BUT running crazy !

  • Do a lot of retries to connect to the WiFi

  • Do a lot of read timeout when discussing with others on the network

  • (A0 pin) analog input reads are not reliable: normaly 0V->0, 3.3V->1024, 1.65V->512, but now 1.65V->+-760 and the hardware (my home heater) depending of these values runs completely odd.

  • Back to the first config from my hard disk backup and problems disappear.

Try a Mix config: IDE 1.8.5 with Boards 2.5.0 -> same problems

Try a Mix config: IDE 1.8.9 with Boards 2.3.0 -> NO problems, WiFi OK, no more read timeout, and analog input 1.65Volts reads +-512.

Actual config IDE 1.8.5 and boards 2.3.0 from my backup: no problems from 7 days now.

I do also a test case with a Wemos D1 Mini but disconnected from all other sensors, just connect a regulated power supply of 1.65V on A0 and we read +-512 with board 2.3.0 and +-760 with board 2.5.0 !!!

Where is the inconsistency ?

No more Wemos D1 R2 & Mini board showed ???? replaced by LOLIN D1 mini ???? Are they equal ????

The ESP8266 core for Arduino does not have, nor has it ever had a board named "LOLIN D1 mini". Please tell us the exact and correct name of the board you have selected from the Tools > Board menu. Precision is very important if you want to have success in programming, electronics, and requesting help here on the forum.

Were the WeMos board names changed? Yes. Apparently the company changed its brand name or something, so the name of their boards were changed:

yes Lolin is Wemos, it is the same board "D1 R2 and Mini"

try 2.5.1. 2.5.0 has many problems.

2.5.0 uses a newer SDK version and that attempts to use the RF setting of the old SDK remembered on flash of your esp8266.
sometimes erasing the flash and then let the esp8266 calibrate the new settings helps, but better is to flash the RF settings file provided with AT firmware (from SDK 3.0.0). see in AT firmware reference the chapter about flashing the files