NewPing Library: HC-SR04, SRF05, SRF06, DYP-ME007, Parallax PING))) - v1.7


matt121187: using ultrasonic parallax ping))) sensor.can someone share to me coding for velocity (speed) sensor? km/h

What's the size and speed of the object you're trying to track the speed of? Will the object always be heading straight for the sensor or at an angle? If at an angle, is the angle consistent and known?


between two doing the fyp project..doing the car blind spot detection..this sensor put at the side of the car..then this sensor will measure the distance and speed between my car and side car. actually, for the speed, im not measure the speed of the side car but im measure the different speed between my car and side car..(i think this very simple compare to measure the speed of the side car)