Max72xxPanel library

You have nothing to stop the byte data being equal to the stop or start marker. So I would expect it to jam up at any speed.

Thanks for the quick reply Mike. I apologize if I did not understand your comment correctly. You are saying that if the data being sent by the processing serial at some point becomes equal to either the start/stop markers unintentionally then the sketch on the arduino would misinterpret this as the start or the end of the data stream?

A quick follow up on this though, if my above understanding is correct then the ASCII value of the start and the stop markers, 60 and 62 respectively would be the cause of the problem? The reason that I ask this is because the data that I send only ever has values between 0 - 16 from this line:

freq_array[j] = byte(random(0,17));

Again I really appreciate you taking the time to guide me.
