Bitlash 2.0 RC2 is Available for Download

Hello Bill,

I'm trying Bitlash 2.0 RC2 on my Arduino BT (ATmega168 CPU).

My intention is to set up the ArduinoBT so that I can connect to it and interact with Bitlash via the standard RFCOMM channel.

Unfortunately, I was not able to get the demo sketch (bitlash-demo.pde) to upload: it aborts with a 'sketch too big' error. It could be that I haven't spotted something obvious..

I made the following change:


This is due to the ArduinoBT communicating at 115200 bps with the WT11 Bluetooth module.

My guess is that with the 2K bootloader in the ArduinoBT, there isn't enough room for Bitlash - I didn't realise there was so little space available.

