Fun with Arduino - a Series of Introductory Videos [external source]

Yes, many articles and video's are already available. Yet at our model railway club I found the hurdle still is steep for many to start, even 'beginner' tutorials tend to go too fast. I intend to intermingle a bit more explanation on hardware and software, hoping that non electronic / IT educated might be able to follow along.

Future subjects will probably focus on examples related to model railway lauouts: lighting (LED and relay / FET), servo (railway crossong), optical sensor (automate the railway crossong), DC or stepper motor to introduce some movement ... things like that.

On Rudy's Arduino Projects blog I'll probaby not promote powering the Arduino directly via a 5V pin, whereas on my Rudys Model Railway blog I do. If 5V is the only available power on the railway layout there's no choice. What is the 'factual faiult' you mention?