Impact location, using four sound sensors.

I have a Temp Sensor to calculate the correct speed of sound,
then i calculate the distance by using the time traveled with a formula
to distance..

Does that make sense to you ?

You need a minimum of 3 readings to determine the source, 4 increases your confidence.
Typically you have a circle of uncertainty around each point, and where those circles intersect is the origin point.

How are you determining the distance from ABC to an impact point?
With things like earthquakes, they work backwards using time.
An event is known to have occurred.
They know the time that each sensor first felt it.
They know the time of the impact.
They know (more or less) the speed of the wavefront thru water, rock etc.
So (sensor_time - impact_time)/speed of propagation = distance away. There's your circle of uncertainty.
Then do the math to find the intersection point.