Ramp generator for steppers, question about the 16bit C/Ts

I want to apply a PWM pulse from one C/T (Counter/Timer) to another, that is simple of course.
The frequency from the 1:st T/C is kinda the acceleration, it determines how fast the second counter counts up or down.
Let the first T/C be called T/Ca and the second T/Cb.
Now I want to do the following:
I set a value to TCNTbH and TCNTbL (TCNTbHL) and anothe value into OCRbxH and OCRbxL (OCRbxHL). Then I let C/Ta generate the "acceleration" frequency and C/Tb to count up or down. I will use an interrupt routine which executes many times during the C/Tb counting to read the value in TCNTbHL. I use this value to to calculate (or I may use a look-up table) time constant for a third T/C, which then generates the actual frequency for a stepper (actually it will be a common synchronization frequency for 2-3 steppers).
The question is:
Is there a 16bit T/C with an operating mode such that when it reaches the value in OCRbHL, counting either up or down, it will stop there until a new OCRbxHL is set and I restart up or down counting (up if the new OCRbxHL value is greater than the previous, or down if it will be less than the previous).?This would make programming my ramp generator much easier because then the last attained "speed", determined by TCNTbHL, would already be in the T/Cb.