Real Time Plotting Tool ( Oscilloscope )

Hello Rob,

Thanks for your input.

  • For analog signals I would like to have a running average line. This can be based on a (configurable) number of samples or the samples in the last second/minute/...
    Nice idea, it is added to the list of things to be done.

  • It would be great to have an X-Y plot -> analog1 on X and analog2 on Y
    This one is more difficult to implement. Not so sure where it would used.

  • Baudrates of 230400 and 345600,
    Although the Serial Monitor of the IDE don't support these baudrates, the Arduino - 2009/UNO - do. I've used them for few weeks now without a problem. The highest rate without a problem was 500.000 baud with putty.exe but that is a non standard rate. Maybe I want the free baudrate like in putty.exe so I can go to the limit (own risk of course)

Added to list of things to be done.

  • plot signal through some function
    e.g. I have an analog signal 0..1024 and I want to map that on temperature through some function e.g. a temperature function
    float T(int s)
    return -50 + s/4.0;
    The scale should be temperature degrees Celsius of course

This is far more difficult to implement. I can implement a single operation. To implment multiple operation like you have (one addition and one division) requires me to write a mathmatical expression parser (not sure if that is right term). Way beyond my programming skills, by the way I am not a programmer by profession. :slight_smile:

On a side note, is anyone having problems installing the tool? Did anyone try to install on a machine that did not have .NET framework already installed? I am total newbie to this whole GUI programming and .NET stuff so got no idea what will happen if someone does that.