[3/Love-o-meter] it seems TMP36 doesn't work (volts: 0.00 ; degrees: -50.00)

So i used a multimeter to calculate the central pin output (black wire on GND red in central pin) and i had 0.0 V in output. Au contraire with the red wire on the positive pin of the sensor and the black on central I saw 4,36 V.

If you had 4.36V between the left pin and center pin then that means you should have read 0.64V (assuming you are using 5V power) between the center pin and GND. It looks like you didn't make a good connection with your meter if you read 0V. Using the formulas the temperature is (0.64 - 0.5) X 100 = 14 degrees C. This is colder than you said but that depends on how accurate your voltage readings were. It looks like your TMP 36 is working also.