phase-shifted PWM

I'm trying to make a program that quite simply, shifts the phase of PWM numbers.
So say I have two variables, var1 and var2.
var1 is moving up and down between 0 and 255. I want var2 to be 30 degrees out of phase of this,
so that when:
var1 = 0
var2 = 64

var 1 = 128
var2 = 192

But also,
var1 = 255
var2 = 192

Now this is getting into maths beyond my small brain's capability, especially seeing as I didn't do maths past GCSE.
Anyone care to lend a hand? Or a brain, rather?


Doesn't something as simple as this work:

setup() {
    int var1 = 0;
    int var2 = 64;

loop () {
   var1 = (var1 + 1) % 256;
   var2 = (var2 + 1) % 256;

The variables start off with a fixed phase difference, and as long as they are incremented together, and wrap-around at the same point, they will stay in sync.


// stdint.h has types such as uint8_t and uint16_t
#include <stdint.h>

// inherent wrapping of limited data type does all the phase stuff you need during a simple add operation
// note that (255 + 1) & 255 = 0, which is exactly what happens when we work with 8 bit variables
uint8_t var, phase;

#define INITIAL_PHASE 30

// we recalculate the phase angle for 128 = 180 degrees, 256 = 360 degrees so simply adding does everything we need
// 30 degrees comes to about 21
for (var=0, phase=255 * INITIAL_PHASE / 360;;var++) {
doSomethingWith(var + phase);

That's clever. Thanks!
;D :o :sunglasses: