Trouble sending IR command to rc curtains

I coudln't ever get the raw dump feature to work even for supported remotes such as the panasonic

Well you really need to be able to get the raw dump working with standard TV remote & if you can't then you just have a basic issue with your setup or understanding. I presume you were trying the IRrecvDump example sketch!

I suggest you first try working through all of the examples provided with the IRremote library. You will then be able to understand things better.

(Judging from the signals you provided, you are 'unlikely' to be exceeding the default value for RAWBUF as each code appears to be only 12 bits long)

If you posted the sketch you were using to record the signal and the output you get, it might help.

irsend.sendNEC(0xd10, 12); // Sony TV power code

Unlikely this will work, because NEC is almost always 32 bits not 12. Plus you dont know what format is used to send the signal.
(Could be worth a shot just changing the 12 to 32) = long shot!