Catalex code, integration with analog reading should trigger a sound to play..

You need to do something like this :-

if (analogValue < lowerthreshold) {
         pressed = true;
else {
      pressed = false;

// then you need to see if it has just become pressed with something like
if( pressed == true && lastPressed == false) { // it has become pressed since last time
// now do the stuff you want to do when the thing is touched.

// finally at the end of the loop function put
lastPressed = pressed;

With both pressed and lastPressed being global variables.


there is a safety margin in the values stored where there is nothing happening to prevent crazy floating action lines 6 and 7

You can't do this successfully as there is no way to distinguish between a reading got from a floating input and one got from a touch or release.

Also, the level of help you are needing shows that you are not yet ready to tackle this sort of project. You need to do a lot more examples that are contained in the IDE, and understand them, to get your code skills up to speed.