NewPing Library: HC-SR04, SRF05, SRF06, DYP-ME007, Parallax PING))) - v1.7

When I first tried the example sketches, I printed every single piece of code I found could be handy to work with, the objects in the array cm [0] and cm [1] where the variables I found most important (all other I just couldn't print), but, again I couldn't do much with them as I have poor code skills, I was looking for some piece of code that could convert whatever I was looking at to something I could do some math with , later I found I was merging the results into one, so I decided I needed to divide the result by two. Ok, not a smart decision, I know...

And with your sketch, I did came to similar results as yours before, and what happens is, when something approaches to the sensor, it turns on, but never turns off, therefore, there's no 0 coming out when there's no activity. I thought this was a good approuch to achieve my goal, which is, when there's activity on the sensor, turn on, else, turn off
