NewPing Library: HC-SR04, SRF05, SRF06, DYP-ME007, Parallax PING))) - v1.7

Hi Tim,

I was actually only thinking of using two SR-04 sensors (at most three), but like your use of the array in the 15 sensor example for holding the data. Would I be better just duplicating the new ping_median once per sensor and not use an array nor interrupt method?

My project: I am controlling a robot’s head position via servos, which currently have either remote control (via joystick) or automatic random positioning of x and y axis. I would like to add the ability for close object tracking of the x axis, so thought the best way would be two ultrasonic sensors pointing slightly apart concealed on the head itself, and in the event of an object coming within say a couple of metres range, the head will stop random movements and track the object in x axis by moving the servo to keep the signal from both ultrasonic sensors the same, until either the object goes out of range or the robot gets bored.
