Reference page no longer references AVR library functions.

Hi Arduino Users,

Let me give you some more info on what we did and are going to do next. We know our website is not the best possible (actually has a lot of issue, main one is not really readable on mobile) and is not really a CMS, this is preventing us to quickly improve it.

What we did:
We finally were able to move from a pure wiki format to a more modern static generator website so the new reference pages are much faster then the rest of the site, using a CDN and they work on mobile!

What is going to happen:
Because this side project experiment (the new reference) worked quite well we are going to move our whole website to a similar architecture (some internal editors and a static content generator). It will take almost 1 year from now but that's our long term plan.

In addition to all of this we are going to have a serious search engine on our websites. Again this is a very long project but will change our lives.

And thank you everyone for your great contribution to the reference!