Excellent Arduino Ethernet Shield Web Server Tutorial


I have released the source code for my Arduino home automation system web server which runs at http://www.2wg.co.nz. There is 34 pages of documentation and 11,000 line of source code.

My web server implementation (which is quite substantial) is my own and manifests as a set of individual purpose specific procedures (functional decomposition) - each of which should be easy enough to understand. The source code includes quite a lot of additional technical documentation using comments.

You can download the source code and documentation from the application website. Access the SD card web page and browse to the PUBLIC folder/subdirectory. A message on the dashboard/main web page will tell you what files to download.

You may have to be a little patient - the system is single threaded and will ignore you for a few seconds if it is serving up a big file to someone else.


Catweazle NZ