How can I reduce the listen delay in SoftwareSerial

I use listen in SoftwareSerial. But I can`t use that.
Because the listen is a have delay and data is not available.
How can I fix this?

I use listen in SoftwareSerial. But I can`t use that.
Because the listen is a have delay and data is not available.
How can I fix this?

If you want help in fixing something, you really need to show us the code you need help with.


It may not be fixable. Use an Arduino with more hardware Serial. The Micro is very easy to use. The Teensy, in all its variants, is very good.

Because the listen is a have delay and data is not available.

You need to explain what you mean by a delay. I am not aware of SoftwareSerial having a delay, apart from the fact that it cannot work at high baud rates.

Post the program. I suspect it could be modified to solve your problem.

Serial Input Basics - simple reliable ways to receive data.

AltSoftSerial is nearly always a better solution, with less overhead and relying on clocks and pin change interrupts.