4 stepper motor control with arduino mega and STK672-080 driver



i am trying to run 4 stepper motors with 4 separate STK672-080 drivers from Arduino Mega.Driver board has 4 input pins for Arduino:
Driver provides current to stepper motor coils from its board output pins.Have tried simple stepper motor library to run single motor and got successful.upon driving 4 motors i got nasty response and only single motor responded but not properly.The code is definitely not good to do the task.I need help on this to run 4 steppers from arduino mega.even saw <AccelStepper.h> library but dont know how to use it as controller input to driver board is not explained there properly as no identification of above 4 input pins is provided there


Also upon uploading the program i started receiving error as below:
1-avrdude stk500_getsync()
not in sync:resp:oxb5
also the com port relevant to this task got disappear from Tools.Now i am unable to connect arduino with my system.


upon operating single motor and keeping supplies on other 3 motors along with connectivity with arduino the 3 motors or any one among them becomes too hot along with its driver.even it is required to switch power off to avoid any damage in this case

thnx in advance for help



Try to use heatsink to minimize overheat from supply.


Do you have it set as, Arduino as ISO in the bootloader?
Here check this link, maybe can help you with it


open this link..