Decoding RF signal from Ambient Weather Thermo-Hygrometer

int RxPin = 8;

means that instead of using the character/number "8" to represent the number of the pin in question, the label "RxPin" can be used instead. Change 8 to another number in that line and that number will be used by the rest of the program wherever RxPin is used. The comment added after the // is quite unhelpful. As jremington suggests the 433MhzRx's output is attached to pin 8 which is the input in this case.

Using a RXB6 receiver module I was able to decode 433MHz codes from a 433MHz RF switch.
The code used for that used
"mySwitch.enableReceive(13); // Receiver on interrupt GPio 13 => that is pin D7"

Would the line become?:

This is more confusing to me. mySwitch.enableReceive(13); would be some sort of procedure call either in another part of the same program or a library call. If it is an Arduino it sounds some what unusual as I am not aware that 13 is the interrupt pin on an Arduino. Usually people just make use of Pin13 as an output with a status LED on it.

pinMode() sets the operation of a given pin as either an input or as an output, and should not be considered interchangeable with mySwitch (most likely a library call?).

If you have code working with CC3000 it is unlikely you can swap a NodeMCU ESP8266 or WEMOS in and not adjust your code to the new hardware. Most likely you will need appropriate libraries for the new hard ware and then have to adapt the main program to use the new hardware library.

I hope this helps, R