Teensy 3.6 access to SD card files

I am unable to access and list or use SD card files using the Library program "Listfiles" and setting CS(1) to pin 31 when the card is installed in the 3.6's card slot. My Teensy3.2 program that accesses card files in the audio shield slot also fails with the audio shield fitted to the 3.6. Here is the relevant part of the latter program. Am I being premature trying to use cards with the 3.6 or is there an example I can use?

Ask on the PJRC Forum


Here is the relevant part of the latter program.

There is NOTHING relevant about posting a picture of text!

There is NOTHING relevant about posting a picture of text!

And of course the problem is in the part of the code which the OP deems "irrelevant".

dont be rude. be helpful.

if the OP is wrong is because he/she doesnt know better. that is why he/she asks
if the OP shows text with a jpg is because pèrhaps he/she doesnt know another method.

help instead of being arrogant. that is why forums exist

nobody is born knowing. specially programming and electronics

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Only just got my Teensy 3.6 but for SD Card usage this web page (GitHub - greiman/SdFat-beta: Beta SdFat for test of new features) seems to offer some advice on using the inbuilt SD Card.