JSON Library?

I found the answer myself and the solution is very cool indeed. It is to create some other objects based on the previous objects, cleaver the implementation indeed.
My congratulations for the great implementation.
See my excerpts of how I solved it.

// =========================== Get the JSON objects ============
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(json);

if (!root.success()) {
Serial.println("parseObject() failed");
if (Debug)
root.prettyPrintTo(Serial); // print it on prettyPrint format
JsonObject& sys = root["sys"]; // create the object sys inside of root
JsonArray& weather = root["weather"]; // weather is an array of objects
JsonObject& wea = weather[0]; // we care only for the first object, the main weather station
JsonObject& main = root["main"]; // main is the main objct on the weather observations

MADsunrise = sys["sunrise"]; // get the sunrise time on time_t format
MADsunset = sys["sunset"];
MADdesc = wea["description"];
MADbase = root["name"];
MADtemp = main["temp"];
MADpressure = main["pressure"];
MADhumidity = main["humidity"];
MADtemp -= 273.15; // from kelvin to degree celsius
// =========================== Done ===============================