LPC810 mini ARM Prozessor in 8 pin dip package

Just a note for members who want to play around with the LPC810 but are not ready to move into the Arduino GUI environment and muck around...

Adafruit sells the LPC810 for too much, but the write-up on using the default (free) tool chain is pretty good and will get one started without messing up their Arduino environment. Later, if they decide to continue, they can move to the 1.5.x environment and use the new library.

Good luck, y'all. I've been playing around with the ARM PSoC 4200 for about 3 months and am just now getting comfortable not working in C++. I've flattened a few C++ libs to work with the PSoC Creator which uses the GCC toolchain, but defaults to C. Defaulting to C++ is supported (google it) but since I was only playing with the hardware and not too concerned about the ARM, I really did not go down that road.


PSoC experiences here: http://www.hackster.io/rayburne