MAX7219 problem

So I can use a 7v to 12v on the barrel socket/connector, and the Vin is the same from what I have read.

Alright then, I will use a 7v power supply, and I have a 5v wire to the display, which gives 5v, well 4.92v , on the display.

When you wrote this I assumed (I know, I made an ass out of me, at least), that you were going to use the 7V in the barrel jack and the 5V for the display.

Based on this

Two power supplies?
I just said i'll use a 7v power supply, only 1. The 2 grounds are together

I was wrong. You actually intend to ignore all the posts go back to what didn't work and have been told won't work.

So I will write this again.

You can only use one of the three following connections:

  1. Barrel Jack (for 7-12V power supplies)
  2. Vin (for 7-12V power supplies)
  3. 5V (for 5V power supply)


Based on my new understanding of this post

Alright then, I will use a 7v power supply, and I have a 5v wire to the display, which gives 5v, well 4.92v , on the display.

You are going to use two of the three pins. You intend on using both the barrel jack and the 5V pin. THAT WON'T WORK.

You need 7-12V to use the barrel jack. You need 5V to run the display. The 5V pin of the arduino does not provide enough power to run the display. You already figured that out.

Plug the 7V supply into the barrel jack. Plug the 5V supply into the display. Connect the grounds. DONE. PROBLEM SOLVED. Your do-dad works.