Arduino Nano 33 IoT error connecting to the cloud

Good morning everyone!

I have bought an Arduino Nano 33 IoT board but I have problems coneccting it to the cloud.

I'm using the getting started setup but it gives me an error while conecting to WiFi.
I have tried to connect to my home wifi and me phone hotspot wifi but neither of them worked. Im sure than both wifi 2.4 Ghz compatible.

This is what debug consoles gives me back:

{"Version" : "1.1.97"}
{"Commands" : ["list", "open [portName] [baud] [bufferAlgorithm (optional)]", "send [portName] [cmd]", "sendnobuf [portName] [cmd]", "close [portName]", "bufferalgorithms", "baudrates", "restart", "exit", "program [portName] [board:name] [$path/to/filename/without/extension]", "programfromurl [portName] [board:name] [urlToHexFile]"]}
{"Hostname" : "DESKTOP-AFJD30O"}
{"OS" : "windows"}
{ "Ports": [], "Network": true }
{ "Ports": [ { "Name": "COM4", "SerialNumber": "", "DeviceClass": "", "IsOpen": false, "IsPrimary": false, "Baud": 0, "BufferAlgorithm": "", "Ver": "1.1.97", "NetworkPort": false, "VendorID": "0x2341", "ProductID": "0x8057" } ], "Network": false }

Aditional info:

I have tried pressing 2 times the button on the board so the yellow led is ON. Whenever this led is on I cannot go thought UPLOAD THE CLOUD-ENABLING SKETCH part.

Whenever is the yellow led is off the error happens in the next step, while connecting to the cloud

Thanks for your help