enjoyed some warm-ish spring air

43F here, and hardly any wind. I was able to enjoy it with no coat on. :smiley:
I fired up my motorcycle, and that still runs great (once warmed up).
I was also able to get into my camper to check on my CNC router. I even ran the power cord over the (very thin) ice, to the plugin in the garage. it started up fine, and everything is smooth running.
also, while out in my camper, due to window locations, I will likely alter my planned layout of the interior walls of the camper. the room with the CNC computer will likely be much smaller. but it will gain me room in the front end of the camper, so I will have more room for... whatever I choose to use it for. probably a HO model train layout, and my audio equipment, in case I go back to the internet radio idea. I can also tuck in my electronic drum kit, I would think.

in any case, I got a taste of spring, and loved it. but unfortunately, I think more wintery weather is on it's way. :frowning:


Feeling raw & windy here. More snow on the way supposedly too. Very cloudy.

53 and windy.

It’s cold.

17 F, 8" of snow and still coming down.

Feeling raw & windy here. .

Lucky Raw.
Kick Windy out of bed.

Very cloudy.

Don't mess with Orson.

10 C (50 F) here in London. Very heavy rain most of the day, but it washed away the snow that fell on Thursday and Friday.

17 F, 8" of snow and still coming down.

@larryd has left his refrigerator door open again. :fearful:
Don't you have to have a license to do cryogenics?
Tom... :slight_smile: :o

It was pushing 80 here today. I turned the heater off, cause it's unlikely to be needed until next year now.

Tom, we don't need a cryo license here. I can drive into my local Praxair and order up a gallon of ln2. The only thing is I need to bring my own thermos.

Don't need a licence here UK but may be difficult to persuade a supplier if you are not a limited co.

It was pushing 80 here today. I turned the heater off, cause it's unlikely to be needed until next year now.

Tom, we don't need a cryo license here. I can drive into my local Praxair and order up a gallon of ln2. The only thing is I need to bring my own thermos.

To do cryo experiments on little bunny wabbits.?.?.? and Easter is not far away,

How do I know its Easter??? (Must be a song in that!) , the supermarkets are getting their Christmas decorations out. :o :o

Its going to push 31C (86F) here today, lovely, but North Wind, they are hot and dry.

Tom.... :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

To do cryo experiments on little bunny wabbits.?.?.? and Easter is not far away,

How do I know its Easter??? (Must be a song in that!) , the supermarkets are getting their Christmas decorations out. :o :o

Its going to push 31C (86F) here today, lovely, but North Wind, they are hot and dry.

Tom.... :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Sounds like we had exactly the same weather, but Summer's just getting started. I never (intentionally) freeze anything alive. We do gas law demos, and make YBC superconducting material in freshman chemistry lab.

I did freeze my scalp once though. I wanted to take a picture of liquid nitrogen falling through the air, so I asked a colleague to pour some 3 floors down on me while I shot the picture. ... Now I have poured ln2 on myself, I do it all the time. It boils and leaves a protective layer of relatively warm air in contact with your skin. After falling 12 meters though, it was going fast and when I ducked, it hit me in the top of the head. The next day I had lots of frostbite blisters on the top of my head. Interestingly, I had been starting to develop a bald spot, but since then, I have been growing head hair like nobody's business!

Next time though, I'll wear a hat.

After falling 12 meters though, it was going fast and when I ducked, it hit me in the top of the head. The next day I had lots of frostbite blisters on the top of my head. Interestingly, I had been starting to develop a bald spot, but since then, I have been growing head hair like nobody's business!

Next time though, I'll wear a hat.

Okay, write down for me exactly how all this happened..
I'm get a patent lawyer to look at it, "Cryo Hair Growth" procedure, we will make millions. :o :o :o

I had been starting to develop a bald spot, but since then, I have been growing head hair like nobody's business!

Okay, I will try it.

You had better be right about this ! ! !

Okay, I will try it.

You had better be right about this ! ! !

Nice gallery of your cryo experiments mate...

I see plenty of "hair" there!