inflatable window curtain that inflates/deflates based on light

is there an LDR you recommend in particular

NO particular LDR in mind, the way you connect it is described in - Arduino Forum -

If so how is this connected back to the board.

TO connect an LDR correctly it must be part of a voltage divider
+5V ---- [ LDR ] -----* ------[Resistor] ----- GND
Connect analog port of Arduino to * in the middle
The valueof resistor must be in the same order as the LDR when in the dark. (a 10 K will work probably too)

Thanks for helping out an amateur here!

I cant wait to see the curtain work, (post a youtube when ready ?) you just added a new dimension - inflate - to what to do with Arduino :slight_smile:

I can imagine that such inflatable curtains help to keep out heat during the day and let in fresh air during the night.