IDE support for Ai-Thinker A9G GPRS + GPS board

From what I can decipher from the listing links provided by zeemankay, jumpjack, and dr3x, none of those boards can be used with the Arduino IDE unless someone has gone through a lot of work to create a hardware package for the A9G.

I think vidalv's statement will be misleading to anyone with one of those common A9G boards. You can not use those boards as a Leonardo. What vidalv is talking about is a different type of board which has the A9G module, but also an ATmega32U4. It is the ATmega32U4 which you will be programming via the Arduino IDE on those boards. You will not be programming the A9G directly. This is what the ATmega32U4 + A9G boards look like:

The large black chip is the ATmega32U4.

From the Hackaday link, there is also an A9G board with a SAMD21 chip on it that you can program with the Arduino IDE as a Zero: