Arduino & Resolume ?

Hello, is anyone using that code? or has tried to? I want to use more potentiometers but I cannot seem to know enough to make it work. Maybe you can help me out, I want to use some more pots. this is my version of the code.

// include MIDI library
#include <MIDI.h>

// set analog values to 0
int analogValue_1 = 0;
int analogValue_2 = 0;
int analogValue_3 = 0;

// Maximum MIDI value is 127. To notice change, even if first value is 127, the last value is set to 128
int lastanalogValue_1 = 128;
int lastanalogValue_2 = 128;
int lastanalogValue_3 = 129;

void setup() {
// 115200 Hairless MIDI Serial Bridge baud rate


void loop() {
// Analog potentiometer

// Potentiometer gives values up to 1023. MIDI signal ranges from 0 to 127, therefor we devide by 8.

int analogValue_1 = analogRead(A0) / 8;
int analogValue_2 = analogRead(A1) / 8;
int analogValue_3 = analogRead(A2) / 8;

// Potentiometer could be too sensitive and give different (+-1) values.
// Check if the last value is more than this minor fluctuation, if so send the signal.
if ((analogValue_1 - lastanalogValue_1) > 1 || (analogValue_1 - lastanalogValue_1) < -1) {
// Has the value changed?
if (analogValue_1 != lastanalogValue_1) {

// More info: Arduino MIDI Library: MIDI_Class Class Reference
// Send serial value (ControlNumber 1, ControlValue = analogValue_1, Channel 1)
MIDI.sendControlChange(1, analogValue_1, 1);

lastanalogValue_1 = analogValue_1; //Set the current value as the last value

if ((analogValue_2 - lastanalogValue_2) > 1 || (analogValue_2 - lastanalogValue_2) < -1) {
if (analogValue_2 != lastanalogValue_2) {
MIDI.sendControlChange(2, analogValue_2, 1);
lastanalogValue_2 = analogValue_2;

if ((analogValue_3 - lastanalogValue_3) > 1 || (analogValue_3 - lastanalogValue_3) < -1) {
if (analogValue_3 != lastanalogValue_3) {
MIDI.sendControlChange(3, analogValue_3, 1);
lastanalogValue_3 = analogValue_3;
