Convert Decimal to Binary and write to pins.

Alright, that helps, thank you.

Here's another issue, though.

I have a rotary encoder attached to a motor in this program. I want it to continue to rotate the motor until it reaches a certain pre-defined value. I have read up on the rotary encoder setups for the arduino, and I understand them, but I have a question about interrupts.

While it seems to make them more efficient, will it effect my code if it works as follows:

while( varA != varB)
//Send analog pulse to speed-controller

Then, the interrupts would force the program to use the predefined functions specified in the program. In those functions, I increment or decrement varA based on the direction of the encoder. "varB" is a value that I am trying to reach for the encoder. Would it still be able to compare varA and varB while the encoder functions are running, however?

I can explain this better if it's not clear.