RC reciever to analog 0-5 voltage

Hi people.

OK. John's code works good
the only problem is that if I move the RC transmitter stick from full right to full left I get about two seconds respond time.
anyone knows how to improve that?

the code:

const int inputPinA = 2; // The pin connected to the RC receiver's servo output A
const int outputPinA = 3; // Output PWM pin A
const int inputPinB = 4; // The pin connected to the RC receiver's servo output B
const int outputPinB = 5; // Output PWM pin B

void setup() {
pinMode(inputPinA, INPUT);
pinMode(inputPinB, INPUT);

void loop() {
unsigned long pulseLength;

pulseLength = constrain(pulseIn(inputPinA, HIGH), 1000, 2000);
analogWrite(outputPinA, map(pulseLength, 1000, 2000, 0, 255));

pulseLength = constrain(pulseIn(inputPinB, HIGH), 1000, 2000);
analogWrite(outputPinB, map(pulseLength, 1000, 2000, 0, 255));