Basic Button - React Program

Hey guys. I wrote my 1st program and want to get some feedback/assistance.

This program is basic. When you press a button, led comes on and motor rotates.
Please tell me if I have complicated things. Also, not sure why this happens. When I touch the resistor, the motor turns by itself and not necessarily in the same direction. I need it to always rotate the same direction.
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for you assistance.

// defines pins numbers
const int dirPin = 3;
const int stepPin = 4;
const int enPin = 5;
const int buttonPin = 8; // the number of the pushbutton pin
int buttonState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
void setup() {

// Sets the two pins as Outputs
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);

void loop() {

buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

digitalWrite(dirPin,HIGH); // Enables the motor to move in a particular direction
// Makes 200 pulses for making one full cycle rotation
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
for(int x = 0; x < 1600; x++) {
buttonState = LOW;
delay(1000); // One second delay
} else {
buttonState = 1;

What am I doing wrong?

Start with the two obvious things:

  • you forgot to use code tags
  • you forgot to post the schematic of your setup
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);

Wiring is so much simpler, and the results far more predictable if the mode is INPUT_PULLUP. Why isn't it?

It isn’t that way cause I didn’t know I could do that.