NewPing Library: HC-SR04, SRF05, SRF06, DYP-ME007, Parallax PING))) - v1.7

Hello, this is my first post and I have great expectations.

This may not quite be the correct forum so any redirection would be appreciated. Thanks

I have a JSN-SR04 sensor used to measure water depth in a tank. It is connected to a Arduino NANO.
At the present time it is still in the test phase. The system is powered thru the computer USB port. I have measured the power with a voltmeter and everything is correct. Now for the problem if I use the pin triggering and the pulseIn process I receive data. The problem is that every fifth reading is about 20% lower than the rest. I tried switching to NewPing in hope for better results. Now with NewPing v1.9 I get reading of only zero. Looking at the hardware the green trigger LED on the SR04 board isn't flashing. I would really like to use NewPing whats wrong?