Storebought solar battery

Your link on building a solar charged arudio is overly complex if you instead use AA Nimh batteries.

Below I will cover how I build a solar charger. Very simple and works. Trying to get those fancy battery banks to work has seemed like too much work. In addition once you have hacked it into working some people complain that the voltage fluctuates and hurts their radio transmission power.

Okay, that does sound a lot simpler. I'm going to have to learn about power supplies someday anyway...

I read your links, a very interesting project. Sister saw me reading the links and told me to order the scale for a birthday present and to build the project for one of our hives. So I will be building one in the near future. :smiley:

Have you built any part of this yet? I am wondering how a person puts a humidity sensor in a hive without the bees plugging it up.

Thanks! I have been working on parts of it for a while; this link has some of it written up, though it is also needs updating with some of the stuff I've done with moving to a logging shield and testing out the scale. In particular I am still trying to capture a decent long-term time series to illustrate any scale drift.

I have thought about the problem of the bees building over the sensor, but haven't come up with a concrete solution yet!