The beginners dilemma

Hi, my step daughter (now 25yo) came out of primary school (years 0 to 6) and still did not know what clockwise and anti-clockwise WAS!!! (Digital time taught)

My father taught me "Turn to the right to make it tight." That works...until you find a left-handed thread!

Also she would take time to even work out 6 times 7, then when asked immediately after it, 7 times 6, she would take time and work it out AGAIN!!!! (They never had to memorise multiplication tables or anything,)

They're taught to rely on calculators, but if they miss-key, or use the wrong formula, they'll never know they've got the wrong answer!
Earlier today I wanted to convert US$42 into pounds Sterling. I know that $1 is approx. £0.65. Being lazy, I fired up the calculator and entered 42/0.65. Woops. That can't be right! Face-palm! I meant 42 * 0.65. Would any one who had not been taught basic arithmatic have spotted that or would they have assumed the first answer was correct?