'Arduino' overview


You do not give technical advice but an partisant opinion,even sentimental.
The future of two Arduinos is not in feeling but in the technique :
right product at the right time, at the right cost and with right support.

So when you can see that they don't develop Zero nor Galileo nor Edison and probably nor 101.
When you can see that Intel propose is own IDE (Eclipse based), stay on the only emotional support is not to serve Arduino LCC neither Arduino SRL.

At a time of transition where you have to mix circuits powered by 3.3V or 5V, choose Atmel ARM IC which are not five Volts tolerant is a huge mistake.
It is those who report the errors that love the Arduino, those who are silent or find that all is well does not render service Arduino.
In french we say " Qui aime bien ,chatie bien".
Google translation (without guaranties) : Who loves well chatises as well.