Arduino uno R3 stepper motor control

I have set up a bread board with 4 leds to represent the 4 windings of a stepper motor.
Each led is connected via resistors to the Arduino board to pins 8, 9, 10 and 11.

Sorry - but this is sheer folly.

Your Arduino will NOT be connecting to motor coils. That is the job of the stepper driver. You have no need to know what goes on inside the stepper driver.

The Arduino just needs to control the stepper driver by setting the direction pin for Clockwise or CounterClockwise and producing a pulse on the step pin whenever you want the motor to move one step in the selected direction.

This is what my code has been illustrating all along. My first simple code is deliberately very simple. I think part of the "cycling without stabilizers experience" is just to sit down and study my code (100 times if necessary) until you do understand it. And ask as many "stupid" questions about it as you like. Learning the code will also help you to learn about stepper motors.
