PWM frequency change (ATtiny85)

It has three, two on timer 0 and one on timer 1. The number in the register name tells you which timer the register belongs to, so anything with a '1' in it (eg TCCR1) doesn't refer to timer 0.

Ok, TCCR0A and TCCR0B for timer 0 (first PWM port PB0) and TCCR1 for timer 1 (second PWM port PB1). So, if i change TCCR0B it will affect only on PWM frequency of first PWM port (PB0)? Btw, why timer 0 has two output compare registers and timer 1 only one?

TCCR0A has no effect on timer0 frequency.
TCCR0B does - look at CS02, CS01 and CS00 in the datasheet.

If i look into table from datasheet for CS02, CS01 and CS00 this line should look like this "TCCR0B = TCCR0B & 0b11111001 | 0x01;" for clk/no prescaling? But how can i set PWM frequency? What in that case mens "setting" 0x01?
