Placing arrays into an array

Now for the next challenge:

What I'm doing is:

struct color
 int R;
 int G;
 int B;

// Define colors
color clrRed = {255,0,0};
color clrGreen = {0,255,0};
color clrBlue = {0,0,255};

// Make an array of colors
color arrRedGreenBlue[] = {clrRed, clrGreen, clrBlue};
int intLengtharrRedGreenBlue = sizeof(arrRedGreenBlue) / sizeof(arrRedGreenBlue[0]);

// Make an array to copy colorsets to
// Colorsets wil be placed into this array, from this array random colors wil be chosen for the effects
color arrCurrentColorset[10];

Now I would like to copy the contents from arrRedGreenBlue into arrCurrentColorset.
And this is where my plan fails :frowning:

memcpy( arrCurrentColorset, arrRedGreenBlue, intLengtharrRedGreenBlue );
intLengtharrCurrentColorset = intLengtharrRedGreenBlue;

Does anyone have any idea why ?

Thanks !
(don't worry, no tanks this time :))